speed up 90% for any wordpress websiteAugust 13, 2020


1. complete all the tasks of website? (IF YES, THEN PROCEED)

2. do you take back up of the wp website (IF YES, THEN PROCEED) _ Using ALL IN ONE WP MIGRATION

3. do you take befores after screenshot of gtmetrix and google page speed checker (IF YES, THEN PROCEED)

4/ take backup of .htaccess


** wp rocket: https://mega.nz/#!jOZDBYpI!wO9lSnMAwAarrISrQ7apJczfhKQKTcD8mTo7uwAHbrk

1. autoptimize: https://mega.nz/#!SeBi2IYB!qGha3Q-Ox4PgEKbYj1kXvLhcdWQ8tUslezybU7TUg5Q

2. async-javascript: https://mega.nz/#!KCZihaoK!HQ3vF81AWfwl5ZX-ZoU2PudtqEnObf_zujYqAcYoAVg

Analyze your site’s speed :::



Pingdom: https://tools.pingdom.com/

WaterFall Catcher: https://www.webpagetest.org

LightHouse Chrome Extenson: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lighthouse/blipmdconlkpinefehnmjammfjpmpbjk/related?hl=en


Get WP Rocket Licensed Version: WP ROCKET: https://mega.nz/#!jOZDBYpI!wO9lSnMAwAarrISrQ7apJczfhKQKTcD8mTo7uwAHbrk

install the plugin and go to dashbord and see below options:

wp rocket > settings > BASIC > LazyLoad:

>> Tick -> Enable for images

>> Tick -> Enable for iframes and videos

Mobile cache:

Enable -> caching for mobile devices

Enable -> Separate cache files for mobile devices


Enable -> Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users

SSL cache:

Enable -> Enable caching for pages with https://

Imoji cache: Enable(by default)

Use default emoji of visitor’s browser instead of loading emoji from WordPress.org


>> Disable WordPress Embeds

Cache Lifespan: >>

Cache Lifespan : 10 hours

WP ROCKET > Settings > Static Files

Minify files >>


CSS (must – see what is the state of the website – if broken – remove tick) becasue this enable may cause – broken sites

Combine files:

Google Fonts – Enable

CSS – Enable

Remove query strings:

Enable -> Remove query strings from static resources (must – see what is the state of the website – if broken – remove tick)-becasue this enable may cause – broken sites


Sitemap preloading:

Enable -> Activate sitemap-based cache preloading

Preload bot -> Enable -> Automatic

Clear cache – finally by WP ROCKET

wp dashoard > at top > wp rocket > clear cache


Autoptimize – By By Frank Goossens (futtta) – Free Plugin


– Settings > Autoptimize > HTML, CSS< JS

– Optimize HTML Code – Tick

– Optimize CSS Code – Tick

>> Save Shanges > Save changes and empty cache

– Settings > Autoptimize > extra

– Google Fonts > 5 no. Combine and load fonts asynchronously with webfont.js

– Remove query strings from static resources -> Tick (MUST SEE SITE STATUS – if broken – romove tick)

– Settings > Autoptimize > images

– Optimize images -> on the fly and serve them from a CDN. -> TICK

– Image Optimization quality -> Lossy (MUST SEE SITE STATUS – if broken – choose GLOSSY or LOSS LESS)

– at top > aauto optimize > delete cache

use only when speed is not sufficient

Async JavaScript – By By Frank Goossens (futtta) – Free Plugin


– Async JavaScript > Wizard

– enable – async js

– Go https://gtmetrix.com/api/

– Login gtmetrix -> get api and using – user name and api – it will give you a test score.

– Step 4 ->> Proceed -> is your site is ok : YES > Apply Settings

– Async JavaScript > Settings

– TICK – Enable Async JavaScript?

– TICK – Also enable Async JavaScript for logged in users?

– TICK – Also enable Async JavaScript on cart/

checkout pages? – Tick -> Enable Autoptimize Support:

– Tick -> jQuery Method: DEFER/ asynnc – which is better ? apply that one

– Save Changes

just for testing all plugin & themes performance on speed (not necessary)

P3 Plugin Profiler

benefit: take decision – which plugin – should be eleminated for much speed absorption)


– Step 1: click scan > autoscan > view result

– step – 1/b advance settings > ok

– Step 2: click -> Run time by plugin > now see – what plugins are shown here and how much speed they are killing ..

jetpopup – 1.02 ms

elementor extra – 2.03 ms

real time find and replace – 3.02 ms

all in one wp migration – 2.08 ms

– step 3: the shown plugins are taking much much speed (may be those are very god plugins – but you can’t configure them well, so they are taking huge speed.

– decision-01: think – what service is done by the plugins (think an alternative plugin – to do the job) / then delete the plugin

– decision-02: try re-configure(delete the plugins and install & configure again) – and test again…

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